Monday, March 28, 2011


Horbert here...

The Creator has been inspired by the generosity of fellow yarn shop owners and knitters. You see, him and Frank are coordinating the Men's Rocky Mountain Knitting Retreat. The weekend, I tagged along with him and Frank to Estes Park and Boulder to put up some flyers and talk to a few LYS. The Creator didn't expect to encounter a great group of local yarn shops there in Estes. Again, I wasn't very smart and didn't take photos of these encounters. I was way too into the fiber to remember to do such things.

In an interesting turn of events, one local yarn shop has donated a scholarship for one lucky fellow to attend. On top of this, she will be opening the shop for a small event with the guys (I didn't hear all the details because I found some Collinette yarn in a super fun color.) This is another scholarship on top of the already generous one we received from Skacel. Karin is a great supporter of the Men's Knitting Retreats. While we chatting and I was ogling the fantastic fiber (Did you know there are rooms on rooms on rooms at this place. All of it full of fiber!) While there, The Creator and Frank were introduced to a lovely woman from Interweave Press. I think she is an editor of some type and I didn't catch her name. Just just moved here. I tried looking up her name, but then, I couldn't find it on the Web site. I know. I should have been more attentive in my note taking. I am sure either Frank or The Creator will know who this lady is.

After meeting her, Susan, from the Stitchin' Den, marched us down to Neota Designs. It is another lovely shop of hand dyed yarn in some fascinating colors. The Creator bought a skein. If he would have asked me, I would have told him to buy two. He should know better. He is going to have to call and get another skein of it for 'NSYNC Gurl to love.

Frank and The Creator went back to the Stitchin' Den and they purchased yarn and patterns. The Creator has some stuff in mind. Susan gave him the last Knitting Traditions she had in her bag.

I think The Creator is still amazed by the generosity.

They stopped by Gypsy Wool and Shuttles Spindles and Skeins. Purchases and flyers were hung and I was pooped.

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