Sunday, August 12, 2012

Terribly Sorry...

Hi Horbert here...

The Creator has finished the blanket of Heather's newborn baby. It needs washed and blocked before I can show pictures of it.

Manny has been busy. He is *still* redecorating his room in preparation for Julia R. The room is in such a mess that I can't find the little blue box to blog from. I have many things to share with you all and I finally found my way out of there. Manny isn't very good at organization. Of course, it may help if the Creator stopped bringing stuff home. Over the last time since I've blogged about stuff, he has went insane and purchased a new spinning wheel, fiber, yarn and another can of paint for Manny. He also has be put together two more book cases for the yarn. Whew... that is a lot of things that have happened. In the middle of that, there was a retreat or two, maybe.

Yes, I have been remiss in keeping Manny up and blogging... Sigh...

Pictures of the new blankie to come!!!
