Sunday, March 25, 2012

Fiber Forward

Hi Horbert here...

I have found receipts for yarn that isn't in the room as I have been stashing away in Ravelry. I have spent a month looking for this Magic Bean yarn from A Verb for Keeping Warm. Said yarn was purchased at Twisted in Portland. I have been scratching my plastic little head look for this shiny green/blue/yellow yarn.

As I was perusing Facebook for what The Creator has been doing, it appears that he GAVE THIS YARN away. This uber sexy silk/merino yarn.

Here he is showing some Mike guy how to knit with this luscious yarn. He even bought needles to support Mike's new habit. It's like crack. Once you start, you never stop. You acquire more yarn. Boxes. Rooms. Retreats. Yarn groups. It's a thing.

It's one of The Creators joys to share the knitting craft with someone. In fact, bringing someone in to the fold is fun. So, imagine the surprise he found last weeks sitting on the door step from some guy I haven't met. Well, I may have at that retreat thingy he raves about.

So, imagine the surprise when The Creator found a box on his front door step. And inside this box was this:

And this little card was inside: 010

It seems this fellow sent him this fab box full of fiber. He has a fab fiber arts blog and fab taste in fiber. He also teaches to spin and is crazy about fiber. He got this fiber from one of those places The Creator coveted. He is going to make yarn. I'm not sure what he will make but, I see a scarf in the future. I may have to roll around in this goodness. 

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Grandma's Pink Flamingo Sweater

Gram's Sweater is done. YAY! Now we can get on to some boy things after working with the Knit Picks Andean Silk in the Pink Flamingo color. It's now a discontinued color and he used 9 or it may have been 14 balls of the stuff. He made a duplicate order of the stuff. He must research his and find out how many he actually used. I think, he can't remember how much he ordered nor did he enter the information in Ravelry.


The Creator put some effort into the detail of this one. The button band was crochet and the buttons we selected with care. I think they are shell of some type.


You can see the edging here a bit better. It really makes the sweater. The Creator deviated from the pattern as he liked a smaller picot on the edging.


It seemed like this project took forever. But, this was the second full sweater The Creator has completed. He has already casted on for one for Grandpa.