Let me clear things up about this getting drunk while dying. Yes, I had little glass of wine. Just one wee-little glass. I have a photo of this and I will share it with you. Don't let Manny tell you I was sloshed. I never slurred. I just had one little glass. I was never over the legal yarn dying limit. It was still one little glass and I wouldn't have been stopped for overdying because I wasn't dying. So there. I was having fun. See here I am with my glass of wine and the dye:

Anyway, let me get on to the dying portion of the program. I'll deal with that Manny Quinn fellow later. He may find himself in a crazy tank top that I may borrow from his previous owner. Hmm... I have blackmail of my own!
So, dying is like the manicure for yarn. First, we put the fiber roving in water. It needs to soak and hydrate.This is some Wensleydale fiber The Creator picked up at the Fancy Tiger. I don't have a photo of the finished product yet. I will have it in a few. I have spun one piece of fiber. It is pretty. The Creator is a bit bummed that it turned darker than he wanted it but he still loves it.

Now, The Creator had three balls of this Shetland yarn that he purchased from World of Wool in the UK. The balls are just ripe for dying.

I got to play on this big yarn Ferris wheel:

I had to be tied down or I was going to fall off. The Creator skeined the yarn into a 3 foot skein. Ms. Skeindalous had all this cool stuff for everyone to play with and I got to go for a ride. Yes, it was before wine. I wouldn't want to puke all over the yarn. That isn't done as I take my skeining very very seriously. Two balls of the Shetland were skeined up for dying.
So, we had to let the fiber soak. So, I had some wine. I was a bit fun-woozy and forgot to take some photos of the next steps. I'd like to think I was high on fiber and chocolate as we had this scrumptious salted nut chocolate stuff to go with our wine. See, I ate something while drinking and all is good.
I remember The Creator mixing dyes like a mad scientist. He made some wicked purple and some true blue and some funky green. He seems to like those colors. He used all the dye with the three colors and then put it in the microwave, wrapped it all up and nuked it in the microwave. It smelled like vinegar. It may have been the wine I was smelling tho.
The other ball of Shetland yarn, he left in the ball as seen above.The Creator took straight food coloring and filled a syringe with food-coloring dye and just injected that in to the ball. He put it in a pot and put it on the stove to steep and mix and see what happens.
It turned all green with bits and bobs of color throughout. I wouldn't have throught green would have been the main color. Here's the skeined results of that.

Here is the blue/green/purple Shetland being rinsed:

And then here it is on Manny:

And then here is it skeined:

He also had some Alpaca Silk that he started with:

It turned out a minty green color that didn't even flatter the camera very well. Frankly, it looked like pistachio explosion. Something we don't like. See, Ugly:

Oh...here is a uglier minty green picture with Manny:

The Creator didn't like it. So he added some blue and teal to the mix and over-dyed it. He likes it much better and has started a scarf with that.

He has two more KnitPicks bare dyed for a hat. I don't have a pick of that. The Creator also overdyed Jean's Hot Mess color into something a bit more like Jean's Classy Mix. She liked it anyway.
And I like my wine. That is what I have to say and I'm sticking to that.
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