The Creator finally left the little blue box in the room. Now, I can spill more beans about what goes on in this room.
First, I have a new roving correspondent. We call her ‘NSYNC gurl. I know, she is a bubbly blonde stuck in the 1990s but that is what I have been given to work with. She also is in bad need of a styling and hair cut because she wears this cap thing. But, she is part of my plastic family, so, I must not say too much about all this. And she is my roving correspondent. I have tasked her with typing and taking photos. It’s great to have a minion! Here she is sitting on top.
Project News from the Creator
It appears The Creator has finished two more toppers! I wish he would leave them on my top so that I don’t catch a chill. It isn’t going to be good to get plastic sick. I hate cracking. Hat number 1 is from that Crazy Zauerball in all different colors. It is a bit stiff and itchy. It needs a good soak before it is sent off.

The other is a blue topper. Evidently, this is The Creator’s first color work. All his knitting gurl deemed it that he should write the pattern down and sell it on Ravelry. I don’t know if he will do that, but, they seem to think it will sell at $3 a pattern. We will see. I like the blue one. It is made from Rowan Cashsoft Aran weight. Evidently it is dreamy to knit with and it just slides off the needles in nothing flat. I am trying to get the creator to make me something it.

The other is a blue topper. Evidently, this is The Creator’s first color work. All his knitting gurl deemed it that he should write the pattern down and sell it on Ravelry. I don’t know if he will do that, but, they seem to think it will sell at $3 a pattern. We will see. I like the blue one. It is made from Rowan Cashsoft Aran weight. Evidently it is dreamy to knit with and it just slides off the needles in nothing flat. I am trying to get the creator to make me something it.

Here it is with me modeling it! I think I look right dapper with this topper.

The Creator has also figured out the pattern for the Squirrel Blanket. He sat on my floor one day last week and figured it out. It appears that it was a technical issue where the yarn is wrapped opposite from the way he normally wraps it around the crochet hook. Now, it all looks right and he has six rows of the blue done. Just 14 more to go I think. I should have sent ‘Nsync gurl over to see what rows he really needs to do. She isn’t versed yet in reporting things. She still has problems with shiny objects.
I also need to let you all know what the creator bought on his last trip to Tucson. He came back with a basket full of stuff. But, the night is almost over and I need to put everything back the way it was. It is the way of the plastic people.
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