First, let me just share with you how much I detest what the creator has done. He has created this lovely pink sweater. I don't have a problem with that at all. No, it's quite lovely with the little crochet edging. But, did he have to really put it on me and use it as a model? Not only did he put it on me, but he took (gasp) a photo of me wearing said pink sweater. And don't you think he could have cleaned up around my base? I mean, really. I am not this messy!

Anyway, he is about done with that and he can ship it off. I wish he would just get it done and off my back. It's not becoming on me as it would be for his Grandma.
In other news, The Creator has been busy. He has photos of what he has completed, however, they came from the new camera. I can't find the new camera. I've sent Horbert after it to see what he can find. He hasn't come back. Of course, he may have been side tracked.
Oh, and I should share with you the travisty of the TV. For the longest time, I've wanted a TV to occupy my mindless mind. I have no head so I just need something to may my flesh colored shape look very good. So, The Creator found a TV at Best Buy for $199. He bought it thinking it would be a grand thing for me to keep me company while I wear the things he creates. It was ok the first few weeks. After that, the screen started rolling and frankly it was very tiresome trying the surf the channel for repeats of Rikki Lake. So, I turned it off. The Creator took it back for me and they wanted to send it in for repair. The Creator fought a good fight and told the 19 year old clerk "It's a piece of CRAP. I would like my money back." Now, we have to send it in to be fixed. After a few more words, The Creator gave them the TV and left for Portland.
I had a nice surprise when The Creator came back with another TV. LED, and 5 inches bigger. We all know that 5 inches is a good thing. And it connects to the Internets. I may have to get my own facebook page as it has a direct interface. Cool!
And then today, I received a nice TV stand for it. It matches the yarn cabinet. I'll have to take photos, but not before The Creator paints. I would love a lovely light green with purple trim and a gray carpet. It would be outstanding and show off my lovely flesh tones. I'm thinking he is opting for ultra pure white. I'm not sure I'm down with that. It will wash my tones out. Sigh. Someone with some decorating sense needs to talk to him.
I have a few more things to do before he shuts the light off and I can't do anything.
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