As most of you know, The Creator loves his fiber. The YarnGirls are going to be the death of me when I follow them around from store to store. You see, I fell. I was splayed all out on the concrete at one of the best yarn shops in Colorado. But, I'll get to that in a moment.
It was a hot sunny day in May when we all decided to pile in a car, The Creator's car and trundle off to Fort Collins to check out the shops up there. We met at Kunjani where I ate a Cinnamon Roll and had a lovely hot chia tea.

Then, MO came in and presented The Creator with this yummy fiber. See... doesn't it look yummy... there's silk and cashmere in there, just so you know....

We all loaded up and headed out for an hour and a half drive to Fort Collins. First up on our list, Lambspun. The Creator found some lovely yarn in a cotton and enabled Ms. JP to purchase said yarn. I'm laying on that lovely purple-blue mess in the picture. The Creator also bought a skein. Then he found the same fiber that MO gave him earlier in the day. He purchased two more just so he would have enough to do what he wanted with it. The other stuff in the basket is MO's and the Yarn-Shop-Owner-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.

I wonder whose yarn that purple is. The shop was having a sale on the shop brand of yarns. So, we purchased some more because you know, at 30% off, who could resist.
After we loaded up the back of Dudley with our newly procured fiber purchases, we headed off the My Sister Knits. The location is very lovely. Just look:

Who wouldn't want to shop there. But, my friends, this is where I get a bit upset. You see, The Creator in all his fury, dropped me and left me on a cement slab. I'm still upset over this. How could he have lost me??? I'm his number one fan. Just ask Manny Q.

The Creator got all the way here before he noted I wasn't where I was supposed to be.

The girls rushed ahead of him into the shop to see all the yarn and goodies. The Creator came back and retrieved me from said cement slab. I had my photo taken with the ever so lovely garden angel. She is pretty. I think I may have a relationship with her.

And we walked into the store and found this sign.
Ok.. the picture is MIA. I'm sure I have it on the blue box. I'm going to have words with The Creator on this. Pictures need to go on one machine or the other. Period.
It's of the Men's Knitting Retreat that The Creator is helping Frank with. The Creator thanked the lady and the girls started squeeling with de-light as they found yummy yarn.
No, you have to see this. I took photos upon the discovery of yarn behind yarn.
They opened one door... and then OH IS THERE MORE???

Shut the front door there is more!!!! Hurry open that up!!! I want to see!!! They rushed and squeeled to open that door. This prompted someone to come upstairs to ask if we needed assistance. I was sure I needed to call a doctor or something because this was too much fiber.

Oh My goodness.... Look at that... COME HERE! YARN!

And they all come running...

Look... MO found bliss...

The Creator found a Road to China while up there...It's lovely stuff.

Julie at My Sister Knits is a lovely donor of the Men's Rocky Mountain Knitting Retreat. She donated 11 books to the retreat while we were there. I can't say how much of a lovely shop this is and how much fun we had in there looking at every thing.
These bags are all the proof of our fibery fun!

All that yarn fun made us hungry. So, we needed some fiber. One can never have too much fiber in their diet. So, we visited Your Daily Fiber. A quaint little shop with a good deal of local fiber.

Notice the bag are around the worsted weight of the Road To China. The Creator bought some cashmere here. That was it, really. I wouldn't let him buy any more yarn.
Then... because we were starving and the Kentucky Derby was on... we needed something to eat. We proceeded to get Stuft.

I tried to down this burger...

But The Creator had to help me. Actually, I found a Mint Julep.

So I soaked myself and rooted on #07 in the Kentucky Derby. He lost, but I had minty fresh breath.
We left the town of Fort Collins with our bags of fiber and a good day. We did stop downtown at the Fabric Bliss and the Fancy Tiger...
It was a grand day. I even had Pinkberry!

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