I, again, stowed away to attend the Men's Spring Knitting Retreat with The Creator. I'm telling you all, it was good fun. There is something said for being around men and knitting. You see, we sit, we knit, we stand, we knit, we sleep and dream of knitting. It appears that those fingers need to rest a bit. I could go on but frankly, if you are a boy and knit, make one of these retreats a priority on your vacation list. The learning, camaraderie, and awe of 40 to 50 men knitting is awesome!
I need to say, I found this all very relaxing. Who wouldn't love sitting on the deck looking out over this lovely pond. I think I missed the spinning class The Creator attended because I was mesmerized by the beauty.

I attended a few classes with The Creator. See, I'm learning cables from Mike. (That's a rav link by the way.) He had some wonderful handouts that made things simple. I like simple. Especially, since I have the brain size of a q-tip. But, The Creator didn't even need a cable needle to make these great cables.

Look at us all there watching and learning. See all those sample swatches. Mike used these to help us along and show what is possible with the cables. I even got to roll around in said swatches but The Creator had censored that photo of me. He said there were too many photos out there of men frolicking and one went national and all. Of course, The Creator doesn't have Twitter so it is probably for the best.

Oh, speaking of some fiber related stuff. I did get to roll around in some yarn The Creator ordered from the UK. A very kind British Gentleman packed it across the pond and delivered it.

This is Blue Face Leicester. I just had to roll around in it. I know, the photo is a bit risque. But, if you have fiber this great, you should roll around in it. I don't think The Creator agrees. He's afraid I may felt it.
Oh, and here are Mike and Ted. They are spinning. I'm not quite sure why they are doing this in the middle of the cabling class, but they they are making some fantastic yarn on those spindles.

One day, at Yarn Camp!, we went to visit Foster Sheep Farm. This isn't a flattering picture of me. But, I'm here and I got to see some wonderful little animals.

Me and this little creature were playing hide and seek. I really wanted to sit on it's head and take a ride, but The Creator forbade me from doing anything of the sorts.

I think it had to do with her. She looked a bit over-protective of said youngin':

She didn't seem to like me standing there to get a photo of us. Really, I'm a great friend of the sheeps! The Creator wanted to buy some of these sheeps to send to his Mama. However, I don't think he could have put them on the plane in his luggage.(A side note, in the middle of the cable class, his mama called. She bought a llama named Barney. Maybe I can ride on the top of his head. He is black, I hear.)

He bought fleeces instead. The Creator did pack one bag to take a fleece back, but not two. Another kind gentleman, Ray, boxed them up and shipped them to The Creator. Both fleeces sit in Manny's room where they waiting for The Creator to do something with them. They smell all sheepy and such. I haven't spent alot of time in there because of it.
One of the other highlights was listening to a radio program that Joe, Ted, and Mike were a part of. You can listen in here: CLICK ME!
The Creator had a fantastic time there at the retreat. I would be wrong not to mention the generosity of some of the retreat sponsors: Skacel for donating some sock yarn. The Creator has a lovely color. I don't know if he will make socks, but he should. Karin and her group are fantastic supporters of the Men's retreats. Nomad Press - Deb donated a lovely book on socks. (HINT to The Creator... SOCKS ARE IN!). Indigodragonfly yarns also donated a lovely black and white skein of delicious yarn. And Puff the Magic Rabbit had this fantastic green and blue fiber that The Creator really coveted. He is awaiting the arrival of some blue and purple stuff to start his spinning. I can't believe the generosity of all these sponsors. They donate a good deal of fiber and notions for these retreats.
I will find some pictures of these fibers and get them uploaded. I have to g-rate them first. You know, I can't be rolling around in fiber and being all obscene. I don't want to have to resign my post here at the Manny Quinn blog because of inappropriateness. Although, if that will get my name out there, I could make it big as an aspiring fiber writer. I mean, it is scandalous. I must ponder this thought.