The Yarn-Shop-Owner-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named brought us some good stuff for us to preview from her new job. Evidently, the IT guy at the office likes this yarn. The Creator covets some blue of this stuff. I don't think he needs any. He can knit from his stash. Just sayin'. He still has to find 'Nsync Gurl.
Her is Ms. J and then Ms. J showing off each colorway:

See there I am with Ms. J and the lovely green colorway.
And here is Ms. J... I'm posing with the red colorway and the Spring issue of the Love of Knitting magazine, and Ms. J.

The Creator had a tea latte today. I think it went straight to his head. Here I am with his finished object. It's a hat for a youngster. Really, he shouldn't be wearing it. It looks hideous on him. Hideous! I shouldn't mention that it is obscene as well. But, he is The Creator.

I think it is still hideous. What is The Creator doing trying something on that is 5 sizes too small? I mean really. Perhaps there was something in that tea... Just sayin'...
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